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Hudson County Resources
Partners in Prevention worked with the Hudson County Department of Health & Human Services to research and list the most up-to-date information on available resources available in our county and throughout the State of New Jersey.
If you or a loved one needs help, the guides can point you in the right direction. For any additional information, please contact PIP directly. (201) 552-2264 or
Hotlines & Assistance
NJ Addictions Hotline:
1 (844) 276-2777
Quit Smoking:
1 (800) NJ-STOPS [1-800-657-8677]
Suicide Prevention Hotline:
1 (800) 273-8255
Gambling Addiction Hotline:
1 (800) GAMBLER [1-800-426-2537]
Veterans Counseling Hotline:
1 (866) VETS-NJ4 [1-800-838-7654]
Mental Health Cares:
1 (866) 202-HELP [1-866-202-4357]
Hudson County Treatment Referrals
Partners in Prevention
1 (201) 552-2264 is a free resource that allows you to search for local support for health, food, housing, education, and other types of free or reduced-cost services.

Safely dispose of your unused medications in any of these prescription drop box locations.
Deseche con seguridad en cualquiera de estos lugares con recipientes para medicamentos recetados.

Senior Wellness Resources
Hudson County Office on Aging
The Hudson County Office on Aging exists to serve as the primary advocate, planning and coordinating agency for Hudson County seniors and their caregivers. Using Older Americans Act (OAA) funds together with other government support, the Hudson County Office on Aging provides vulnerable senior populations with critical social, health, and economic programs and services to improve their overall quality of life.
WISE Program
The WISE Program is a wellness and prevention program targeting older adults, which is designed to help them celebrate healthy aging, make healthy lifestyle choices and avoid substance abuse. It provides valuable educational services to older adults on topics including nutrition and exercise, medication use, stress management, depression and substance abuse.
For more information or to schedule WISE classes please contact Pam Presinal at or call 347-896-1928.
Senior Wellness Resources
Directory of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services
This Directory includes information on agencies and organizations that provide help for Substance Abuse and Addiction Services in Hudson County. The information is organized by category of service.
The information provided within the Directory is accurate at the time of publication. If you have a correction to an entry, or would like to add information to the Directory, please contact the Office of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services at (201) 369-5280 ex. 4250.
Directory of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services
This Directory includes information on agencies and organizations that provide help for Mental Health Services in Hudson County. The information is organized by category of service.
The information provided within the Directory is accurate at the time of publication. If you have a correction to an entry, or would like to add information to the Directory, please contact the Office of Mental Health Services at (201) 369-5280 ex. 4250.
Vaping Resources
Youth Tobacco Action Groups
Tobacco Free for a Healthy NJ is working with NJ Youth through the Youth Tobacco Action Groups – a prevention and cessation program for youth 13-18. Each county in NJ has a county youth tobacco action group. These groups are working to decrease youth tobacco use and initiation.
Smoking Cessation – Quit Centers
Through funding from the New Jersey Department of Health, Office of Tobacco Free, Nutrition & Fitness, New Jersey residents now have access to 11 Quit Centers. These quit centers provide residents of New Jersey with the resources to stop or reduce their use of tobacco.
Smoking Cessation – For Children
Quit for Kids is a free, statewide program offered by Family Health Initiatives to pregnant women, new moms, dads, family members and others caring for or living with children under 8 years old, who want help to stop smoking. Tobacco Treatment Specialists meet with clients to help them begin to reduce and quit smoking.