Myths and Realities of Cannabis

Know The Facts

Governor Murphy signed three bills into law (A21, A1897, S3454) regarding Cannabis legalization in New Jersey. These laws are in response to the ballot measure voted on this past Fall by New Jersey residents, which amended our state’s Constitution in order to legalize cannabis. Additionally, the laws reduce law enforcement oversight/penalties for underage drinking offenses. The new state laws are subject to review and oversight by the Cannabis Regulatory Commission and have also already been challenged in court. This means that aspects of these laws, including their enforcement, will likely change over time.

Partners in Prevention adopted our policy recommendations on cannabis legalization based on the advice of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM). The American Society of Addiction Medicine takes a scientific perspective regarding substance use related issues. Its recommendations are based not on special interest dollars or scare tactics, but on a review of scientific research and a thoughtful approach to public health. It is a professional medical society representing over 6,000 physicians, clinicians and associated professionals in the field of addiction medicine and has been one of the most respected voices regarding substance use for over 60 years.

Doug Bratton

Executive Director

We will continue to advocate for laws and policies that both promote civil rights for all and promote public health, as these ideals are at the core of our organizational values and mission.

Marijuana Risks: Build A Brain

Marijuana is stronger, more available than ever, and use in the U.S. is on the rise. In Build A Brain, viewers learn how marijuana can interfere with the delicate machinery of the brain including erasing I.Q. points and deleting memories. To learn more about marijuana, visit www.samhsa.gove/marijuana or call SAMHSA’s National Helpline at 1-800-622-HELP (4375) for 24/7 free and confidential information and treatment referral

Debunking Marijuana Myths

During the hour-long program, Debunking Marijuana Myths, science, prevention, and law enforcement experts will talk about some common myths and provide the facts. We will travel to Massachusetts where ballot initiatives have changed views about marijuana in the state and see how coalitions have united to get the facts out to the public.

What are the risks of cannabis use?

Brain Health

Marijuana can cause permanent IQ loss of as much as 8 points when people start using it at a young age. These IQ points do not come back, even after quitting marijuana.

Mental Health

Studies link marijuana use to depression, anxiety, suicide planning, and psychotic episodes. It is not known, however, if marijuana use is the cause of these conditions.

Athletic Performance

Research shows that marijuana affects timing, movement, and coordination, which can harm athletic performance.


People who drive under the influence of marijuana can experience dangerous effects: slower reactions, lane weaving, decreased coordination, and difficulty reacting to signals and sounds on the road.

Baby Health & Development

Marijuana use during pregnancy may cause fetal growth restriction, premature birth, stillbirth, and problems with brain development, resulting in hyperactivity and poor cognitive function. (THC) and other chemicals from marijuana can also be passed from a mother to her baby through breast milk, further impacting a child’s healthy development.

Daily Life

Using marijuana can affect performance and how well people do in life. Research shows that people who use marijuana are more likely to have relationship problems, worse educational outcomes, lower career achievement, and reduced life satisfaction.

Marijuana IQ Quiz

How much do you really know about the effects and risks of marijuana? You might be surprised. Let’s test your marijuana IQ.


of people who use marijuana will become addicted.